Photo by eairforce
Since Japanese colonial times, Beitou district has been well-known for the hot springs in northern Taiwan areas. There are precious hot springs, ancient architecture and abundant historic monuments; moreover, there are a lot of "first" and "only" full of Beitou. Those make this place be a tourist attraction located.
Beitou Hot Springs Park (Qinshui Park) (北投溫泉親水公園), is a long, narrow park located directly across the road from Xin Beitou MRT Station. Within the park are fountains, the Beitou library, the Beitou Hot Springs Museum and an outdoor hot spring. Due to its central location, the park is a useful landmark for locating Beitou's other attractions.
Beitou Park is situated along the central part of the Beitou River at the tail end of Yangmingshan National Park. The six-hectare park can be reached by walking from Xinbeitou MRT Station in the direction of Diregu (Hell Valley), another visit-worthy attraction adjacent to the park.
Beitou Park (北投公園)
Beitou Hot Spring Museum (北投溫泉博物館)
Ketagalan Culture Center (凱達格蘭文化館)
Green Building Library (綠建築圖書館)
Taiwan Folk Arts Museum (北投文物館)
Bu Dong Ming Wang Grottoes (不動明王石窟)
Puchi Temple (普濟寺)
Zenkoji Temple (善光寺)
YinSongGe Hotel 吟松閣 (北投三寶之一)
YiTsun Hotel 星乃湯--逸邨 (北投三寶之一)
LongNaiTang Hot Spring 瀧乃湯 (北投三寶之一)